Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2/3/2009 - Youtube Street Fighter

YouTube has grown so much after it was taken over by Google. Not just in terms of viewers, members, and storage capacity, but in technology as well. YouTube can handle widescreen video now, HD video, and embeddable annotations. The last feature allows you to embed comments within the video as speech bubbles and even hyperlinks pointing you to a website or even another video. The most creative use of that feature would have to be the interactive Street Fighter game. Yes, you can play Street Fighter within a YouTube video:

It's like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book, but with Street Fighter action figures in a stop motion video. Seriously, this must have taken ages to create. You can see that each successive video in the series is just a branch in the tree hierarchy with all the possible moves planned out. I'm not sure if embedding this will allow you to play the game, so here is the direct link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPQ1XrllZmA

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