Wednesday, May 21, 2008

5/21/2008 - Megaman 3 with vocal audio

While I think Mega Man 2 had the best soundtrack of the series (and perhaps the best videogame soundtrack in general), Mega Man 3 has a pretty awesome soundtrack as well. As with many great videogame soundtracks, you often find yourself humming a particular theme or two... maybe in the shower or while driving. Well, what if you could replace the music in a videogame with vocal humming and vocal sound effects? You get something that's kind of weird, but totally awesome:

I appreciate the fact that they used my favorite track from Mega Man 3, the Snake Man stage.

Update to yesterday's post: The Angry Video Game Nerd has been reinstated to YouTube! Hooray! Now if they can just get PlayItBogart and Armake21 back.

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