Sunday, October 26, 2008

10/26/2008 - The Definition of "Choke"

The term "hardcore gaming" can be applied to pretty much any game out there. For the challenging old school games like Mega Man, Castlevania, and Ninja Gaiden, people had to replay levels over and over again just to beat those games. Others would replay those levels ten times over just to memorize every part of them so they know where enemies spawn, where the traps are, and what the best way to avoid them. Why? So that they can do speedruns of the games and compete against others. Even games like Guitar Hero have a hardcore gamer element to them. You'd think that for songs that have hundreds of notes that missing a few or getting over 95% of them right would be enough for most. Well, it is for most people, but not for the hardcore. You'll see what happens when one of those hardcore gamers gets 654 out of 657 notes in one of the most demanding solos of the game:

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