Sunday, December 28, 2008

12/28/2008 - 100 Movie Spoilers in 5 Minutes

I always tell myself not to look at the spoilers on the internet for shows or movies that I am watching or going to watch, but I just can't help myself. I can't say whether or not it really takes away from the overall enjoyment I have while watching a movie that I already know a lot about, but certain things are meant to be surprises and I guess it's better not knowing them beforehand. For example, I read about "deaths" in X-Men 3, but as I was reading them, they seemed incredulous and I sort of brushed them off. But sure enough, the spoilers were true and nothing in the film gave me any surprise... just the opposite, actually. But then you have a movie like the original Planet of the Apes where I knew of the famous ending long before I watched the whole movie, and it still felt powerful to me. That's the difference between a good movie and a mediocre movie, regardless of surprising plot developments.

So if you're a spoiler-hound like me, you may appreciate this video:

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