Thursday, April 2, 2009

4/2/2009 - Terminator 2 3D

There are two episodes of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles left this season, and if rumors are true, it may be the last we see of the series. It would be sad to see another great science fiction series fall prey to low ratings. I knew the show could never reach the level in terms of special effects and action that the movies did, but it certainly had great drama and it really paid great homage to the movies. Even for someone like me who watched Terminator 2 seven times in the theater, the show had to remind me how Sarah got the scar on her shoulder.

Anyway, even if the show does get canceled, that does not mean the end of the Terminator. Terminator: Salvation hits the theaters in May and it's looking awesome, especially with the casting of Christian (Batman) Bale in the lead role of John Connor. If it somehow becomes one of the summer's blockbuster hits, I would dare say that it might give the Fox or Warner execs second thoughts about the TV series. At the very least, the sequel will be greenlit without hesitation.

It's ironic to me how Terminator "purists" will say that the Terminator storyline should have ended with Terminator 2 since that was the last feature film to be directed by creator James Cameron and that it the ending seemed made it look like it was the end of Skynet. What they forget is that the storyline did continue in the Terminator 2 3D experience for the Universal Studios theme park, and that it was indeed directed by James Cameron. It had a lot of the great elements of Terminator 2, but toned down to PG audiences and enhanced with 3D effects. The experience can't be adequately shown on YouTube, but here's the feature footage minus the 3D:

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