Thursday, April 19, 2007

4/19/2007 - Numa Numa Misheard Lyrics (2 videos)

I gotta admit, if it weren't for the Numa Numa kid, I wouldn't have caught onto the music track (actually titled "Dragostea din tei", by the way). To me, Gary Brolsma's video is mildly entertaining for the aspect of being an enthusiastic lip sync to a foreign-language song. That alone does not qualify as a Favorite video in my book, however.

But these videos do. I'm guessing the Romanian language is wildly different than English, because these videos have wildly different interpretations of the lyrics -- and yet when you watch them both, they weirdly make sense.


Anonymous said...

your a weirdo,

Anonymous said...

thats kind of mean, I don't think you'r a weirdo

jkwong111 said...

Thanks, Anonymous... :}