Sunday, October 14, 2007

10/14/2007 - Halo 3 Best Stick EVER

One cool thing about Halo 3 is its instant-replay and record feature. Apparently, with the feature enabled, the game constantly records your gameplay so you can instantly replay what you just did and save it to the hard drive where you can then share your footage online. That's something that really should be in every first-person shooter game because we all have had those moments where you get an awesome kill in and people basically have to take your word for it.

For example, I was playing Warhawk the other day and my opponent and I both used up our grenades, so it was going to be a pistol fight. Now, I'm not a noob at the game anymore, but I still tend to lose drawn-out pistol fights. I mean, sometimes it's hard to lock in the auto-aim while the other guy is strafing, while they seem to have no problem targeting me. Anyway, I thought I was a goner until I saw that he laid a proximity mine near to him. It appeared that he was trying to lure me to it, and if I had followed, I would have been blown up. These are smart proximity mines too, in that they don't get set off next to you if you are the one who laid it. So when I saw that proxy mine near his feet, I could have run after him and blow the both of us up. Yeah, it would have been suicidal, but a guarantee kill. Then I thought, why not just shoot the mine? Well, it was a one-in-a-million shot, but it worked! I got one shot off and it actually hit my opponent's mine and blew him in the process. Now, you have to remember that we were strafing like crazy and shooting a mine with a pistol can be difficult even if you're stationary. Needless to say, I was definitely proud of this kill, and I would have loved to recorded it, if that feature was available.

For that feature alone, I do have a little Halo 3 envy. Especially when I see some awesome Halo 3 kills. This one is especially cool:

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