Monday, September 10, 2007

9/10/2007 - More Hare Hare Yukai Goodness! (2 videos)

How many Hare Hare Yukai videos have I showcased? At least three, I think. Well, it's popularity hasn't died down yet. People are still trying out the dance and putting it on YouTube. Here is an extreme example though. Most of us have seen the video of prison inmates dancing to the same choreography as the Thriller music video (if not, click HERE). Not to be outdone, some prison inmates in the Philipines (they may actually be the same inmates, I'm not sure) also performed a mass dance... the Hare Hare Yukai!

Hmmm... that's pretty disturbing, actually. Well, here's something a little more mainstream... how about Pikachus doing the dance?

Aww, isn't that the cutest?

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