Tuesday, September 4, 2007

9/4/2007 - White & Nerdy in Lego

Weird Al Yankovic is simply the best. I remember watching his first parody of a Michael Jackson video with "Eat it", and it was a riot. His parodies are great in three major ways: the lyrics, which are verbally similar to and tonally in sync with the originals; the subject matter, which are always of a humorous nature and which are delved into in the most detailed way; and his performances of the parodies themselves -- parodies of songs are never any good if the performance was only above average.

Weird Al's most recent parody is perhaps one of my favorites mainly because of the subject matter. "White and Nerdy" (a parody of "Riding Dirty" by Chamillionaire) details so much about the geek lifestyle that it's almost a litmus test of how nerdy you are. Even though I'm not white, I can identify with most of the descriptions he gives of nerds in the song. Kind of scary, but hey, it's the way I chose to live my life.

Anyway, while Weird Al's video of "White and Nerdy" is hilarious, this video of the song is even more impressive in that it's done entirely using Lego pieces. I don't know how many man hours it took to create this video, but it really looks like a Herculean effort. It took a lot of dedication to do something like this, but I'm willing to bet that the creator or creators of this video fits the song title perfectly, and as such, this would have been a labor of love.

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