Sunday, July 1, 2007

7/1/2007 - Shawn drops iPhone in Houston

So, one day after the big iPhone launch, and what becomes the most popular iPhone video on YouTube? It's of this guy, carelessly dropping his iPhone during the unboxing of it:

So why did this become so popular? My guess is that a lot of people out there are a little sick of hearing about the iPhone. Interestingly enough, it wasn't Apple themselves that generated all the hype. It was mainly the tech blogs and constant speculation of a product that was announced 6 months in advance that drove the iPhone frenzy. Really, all Apple did was put out 4 or 5 commercials of the iPhone during the last month. And yet, the anticipation for it was constant... leading some, especially those who read tech news and blogs everyday, to wish that the launch day would pass just to get on with their other business.

Also, there are those who have a bit of iPhone envy. Not everybody can afford the $500/$600 to get one and then pay AT&T at least $60/month for the pleasure of having the latest and greatest from the folks at Cupertino. So when we, the "common folk", see somebody drop and possibly damage their shiny new gadget, there's a little bit of satisfaction in the form of schaudenfreude that we experience. I know, it's bad... but we're all human.

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