Friday, November 2, 2007

11/2/2007 - The Internet Stars Are Viral

Let's face it... YouTube would be nothing if it weren't for viral videos. These are the videos that are most linked to, most viewed, and most featured in the "mainstream media". I've featured many of these viral videos on this blog, but have left out many others. I can see why some of these videos became blockbusters, but this blog is about the videos that tickle my fancy or have some deeper meaning to me that I can share. For example, the OK Go and History of Dance videos show very talented displays of dancing, but I'm just not into dancing videos too much. Now, you may ask how does that differ from the Hare Hare Yukai videos. Well, those videos are mainly about appreciating the animation of the dance, rather than the dance itself.

I'm sure I'll feature more viral videos in the future, but if you want to see something about all the videos I missed, you can't do better than this one. Destined to become a viral video itself, it is a music video set to the tune of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" that lists out in quick fashion most of the viral videos featured on YouTube and elsewhere in the past couple of years. I really wish it mentioned the Angry Video Game Nerd or the Hare Hare Yukai Dance, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, viral video made YouTube, but copyright enforcement may deal the death blow. I hope that Google can find some way to balance in out, but I'm not sure if YouTube will exist two years from now.