Saturday, January 19, 2008

1/19/2008 - Pregnant Jamie Lynn Speaks Out

If there's one thing that will bring down the American society, it must be the tabloid culture. Really, is there a point to the relentless paparazzi-chasing of self-destructive celebrities like Lindsay Lohan? Who buys these tabloid magazines or watches these entertainment programs anyway? These things are probably the single least instructive forms of "entertainment" in the world. Actually, let me correct that. They tell you what NOT to do with your life. I try not to make moral judgments, but look at the case of Britney Spears. If Kevin Federline is deemed as the good parent in that relationship, something is seriously wrong. And her tween star sister Jamie Lynn? Pregnant at 16. That's all I have to say. I mean, if she didn't learn from the (widely publicized) mistakes of her older sister, then she deserves parody videos like this one:

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