Wednesday, January 23, 2008

1/23/2008 - What Alvin Really sounds like

As the Back to the Future NES video I featured before proves, it can be surprising what you can find when you slow down audio that has been artificially sped up. In the prior example, we hear the Huey Lewis song as it was meant to be heard, but in this video it's the opposite. It turns out that the voice actors from Alvin and the Chipmunks were never on helium to produce those chipmunk voices. Nor were their voices pitched up electronically. All that was done was to speed their voices up. As you can see, if you slow the audio down, you'll hear what the voice actors REALLY sound like. But I gotta warn you, it's pretty disturbing.

If you were a childhood fan of theirs, I bet this video is the equivalent of being told that Santa or the Easter Bunny isn't real. I mean, these voice actors sound like a group of middle-aged has-been barber shop quartet... or should I say triplet?

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