Monday, July 7, 2008

7/7/2008 - Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Hulk and Batman

I can't believe I initially liked Batman and Robin. Yes, it's the movie now known as the worst modern superhero movie of all time. I don't know what I was thinking. I mean, I know I was a lot younger and more impressionable to pop culture, but damn... I thought I would have at least some taste. Looking back at it now... holy crap. I know what the director Joel Schumacher was thinking. Batman Forever made a bundle at it was campier than the Tim Burton ones... why not make the next movie even campier? The problem with that thinking is the success of Batman Forever was misplaced. It was more a Jim Carrey movie than anything else. And after the mega-hits of Ace Ventura and The Mask back-to-back, his turn as the Riddler was the big draw of Batman Forever.

The thing is, not even Jim Carrey could save Batman and Robin. I have to say it again... holy crap. You know those YouTube videos of people reacting to watching gross videos on the internet? Just record comic book fans watching Batman and Robin and you'll get the exact same reactions. It's just pure torture. Every other line in the movie has some lame pun. I'm not kidding on that. Watch it and see. There are so many idiot choices they made for the movie, it's hard to enumerate them all. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze? Bane as a mindless brute who doesn't even fight Batman? Commissioner Gordon acting like a doofus? Alfred's niece as Batgirl? Bat-nipples? I want to down a beer every time I think about it... and I don't even drink!

You know what the one redeeming thing about Batman and Robin is? That there will never be another superhero movie as bad as it. The fans won't allow it. The internet has made it such that script leaks and fan reactions will steer a movie to the right direction most of the time. That's not to say there will not be bad superhero movies (i.e. Ghost Rider). There just won't be any AS BAD AS Batman and Robin. For a humorous take on all of this, once again we have "ItsJustSomeRandomGuy" with his usual brilliant action figure skits:

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