Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3/26/2008 - Brawl Tourney Rules Make Me ANGRY

"Vloggers" on YouTube take all forms and shapes and sizes. You have the fake vloggers like lonelygirl15, the fake rednecks, angry gamers, technology pundits, etc. Most show their true face on camera, but some do not. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Some people will actually act more naturally in front of a camera if they hide behind some mask or costume. I certainly couldn't fault them for doing so... I would probably do the same. It does lend some entertainment value to the videos. Take this one, for example:

I think most Super Smash Bros. players would agree with what YTwatchdog has to say. If you've played a fighting game a certain way for a very long time, you definitely wouldn't want to be forced to switch to another control scheme, especially for a competition. When Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix comes out with it's online mode, I sort of wish I had the ability to use my old Super Nintendo controller with it because that's how I played all the original games. The PS3 controller is not bad, but nothing beats Old Faithful, even if it did give me callouses.

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