Monday, March 3, 2008

3/3/2008 - The Terminator Deleted Scene

I just got finished watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles "season finale" and I just hope that they renew it for another season. Because of the stupid writer's strike, the season came out to only 9 episodes and it ended on a cliffhanger! Because of a TV budget, the action on the show isn't like it is in the movies, but when they do turn on the special effects, it has been quality work all around. The show may be pigeon-holed into the science fiction category and it has concepts that are, dare I say, too sophisticated for the casual viewer. With all the brainless shows out there in primetime, shouldn't there be a smart show that rounds it out? Fox has a notorious history of not supporting sci-fi shows, so I'm not overly optimistic.

Anyway, I wanted this opportunity to bring out a very special video to any Terminator fans out there. This is on the DVD, so it's not exactly new, but I think it's one of the best deleted scenes of any movie out there. I can understand the reasoning behind James Cameron's decision to leave it behind, but I think it's essential to the Terminator lore:

This one scene sets up so many things... the entire second movie AND the TV series is based on Sarah Connor trying to prevent Judgment Day by destroying Cyberdyne and prevent Skynet from being built. If you thought all the pipe bombs Sarah and Kyle Reese were making was for the Terminator, you were wrong! And that line that John Connor repeated in Terminator 2 about "no fate but what we make for ourselves" was mysteriously absent from the theatrical cut of Terminator. Well, it can finally be revealed where it came from. This is why DVD was invented.

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