Saturday, February 23, 2008

2/23/2008 - Fonzie jumps the shark

Boy, I'm glad the writers' strike is over. It's not that I watch that many scripted shows... I mainly watch news and information programs. But I really miss the routine of watching some of the weekly shows. Take Mondays, for example: Monday is known to be the most hated day for most people because it's the start of the work week or the school week. But I haven't minded Mondays that much because 24 is on. Or it was on until the writers' strike. To tell the truth, though, I'm kind of glad the new season of 24 was delayed because I want them to be more creative and do a better job than last season. I gotta admit, it wasn't their best effort. A lot of people say that 24 "jumped the shark" the last season, and I say if they did, the exact moment was when they set off the nuke.

Now, what does "jump the shark" mean? Well, it's the precise point during the life of a TV series at which it goes downhill. For example, many say the X-Files "jumped the shark" right after the release of the movie. Series star David Duchovny wanted the show to be moved from Vancouver to L.A. and despite their best efforts, the entire mood of the show changed, and not for the better. Okay, why do they call it "jumping the shark"? Because the first and most famous example of a TV show completely disintegrating before viewers' eyes is "Happy Days" when their lead character Fonzie literally jumps over a shark while water skiing:

Ugh... you know what the worst part of that clip is? The faux Jaws music. It sounds like something from a Friday the 13th movie instead.

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