Thursday, June 14, 2007

6/14/2007 - HeadOn - Apply directly to the forehead ringtone

Ah, those wacky HeadOn commercials... so cheap, but so effective with the constant repetition of the product name and how it's used. Note that it doesn't mention what the product actually does! Apparently it's a cream applied to the forehead (see, I had to use the phrase somehow) that alleviates headaches without the use of drugs. In an effort not to get sued, the advertisement never claims that the product is effective against headaches... instead, they tell you how to use it... over, and over, and over again.

So what can be of better use of this annoying repeitition than making it a ringtone? It's so darn annoying that there's no way you'd want to let the phone ring on and on. You'd want to answer it as darn fast as possible:

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