Friday, June 22, 2007

6/22/2007 - "You Fool!"

Hollywood Squares was one of the lamer game shows out there. It did have a simple premise, though. Complete a tic-tac-toe grid filled with mostly has-been actors or celebrities by agreeing or disagreeing with their answers to inane trivia questions. The problem is that everything is scripted down to their jokes, so you can't really tell if the "celebrities" are lying or not. To be truly successful, you'd pretty much have to actually know the answer to the question.

In this episode of Hollywood Squares, all either contestant has to do is judge whether or not comedian Gilbert Gottfried is telling the truth when answering the trivia questions. The score is tied 4-4, so this is all for the win. Here's the problem: Gilbert Gottfried is an excellent liar. If you think you recognize his voice it's because he's done so many voice overs. He's probably most famous for being the AFLAC duck. He's also on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno a lot, often "impersonating" other celebrities. I said "impersonating" in quotes because he doesn't even make an attempt to change his voice.

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