Tuesday, June 26, 2007

6/26/2007 - Ode to Bob Barker with Adam Sandler

The Price is Right was my grandfather's favorite show, bar none. I'm pretty sure it was the show that taught him the English language. It was appointment television for him even more so than The People's Court was for the Dustin Hoffman character in Rain Man. Although I think I could do okay on the trivia game shows, I would still like to be a contestant on the Price is Right. I'd really like to try my hand at that golf game and go for a Hole in One... OR TWO!

No one can deny that the Price is Right is like most other successful games shows in that it's really the host that makes the show what it is... and Bob Barker is indeed THE MAN. Even when the contestants are going nuts or being idiots, Barker was always the gentleman and brought some real class to the show. Even though he was getting up there in age, it was sad to see him retire this past month.

Today's video is a tribute to Bob Barker by none other than Adam Sandler, whom he co-starred with in the hilarious golf movie, Happy Gilmore:

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