Wednesday, June 6, 2007

6/6/2007 - Bad Parents Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The scariest movie for me is still the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Despite the gore and torture fests that make up most horror movies today, there is no comparison to TCM. There is something that is so visceral about it. The documentary-style manner in which it was shot made it seem so real. From the opening shot of a decomposing corpse to the last shot of a blood-soaked Sally running from Leatherface, the horror never lets up through the whole movie. Even the beginning narration by John Laroquette sends chills down my spine.

Leatherface is quite different from the other boogeymen like Michael Myers or Jason Vorhees. All Michael and Jason do is just stalk after their victims and are practically invincible. While this may be scary in the confines of a house or small building, if the setting was a large field or an open area, you could just run away from them. Not so for Leatherface. He actually runs after his victims... with a frickin' chainsaw! And you don't just worry about Leatherface, you have his entire family too! There's the insane Hitchiker brother, who cuts himself for fun. His other brother seems like the sane first! And then there's Grandpa... I went insane myself when it turned out he was actually alive!

After the first time I watched the Texas Chain Saw Massacre, I had trouble sleeping. The kids in this video looked like they had no problem sleeping after watching the movie. The brave fools... they may have been able to handle the movie, but can they handle their father? I have to say that this is the coolest punishment I've ever seen:

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