Wednesday, June 20, 2007

6/20/2007 - Japanese Tetris

Well, it's not exactly Tetris, but it looks just as fun. It's another one of those wacky Japanese game shows that puts its contestants into strange and hilarious situations. This particular game tests your...flexibility, I guess. If you manage to contort yourself into the shape of the opening in the oncoming wall to let it pass you, you win. It would be pretty easy if the shapes weren't so darn abnormal!

Now, why can't we have gameshows like this here in the States? Seriously, instead of all these stupid talent shows, reality shows, and trivia game shows, why can't we have something more eccentric like this? Are the networks worried that some of the more outrageous stuff gets copied at home? Perhaps they don't think there are contestants out there that are as daring as the Japanese ones. I guess they've never met college frat boys...

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