Sunday, June 17, 2007

6/17/2007 - LisaNova does Keira Knightley

So what's the appeal of Pirates of the Caribbean? It's not based on a book, or myth, or anything like that. It's based on a Disneyland ride. A pretty lame ride to boot. And I'm pretty sure there wasn't a pirate that acted like Keith Richards in it. Whenever a movie has to use computer graphics to animate WATER, it will lose me as a viewer.

I don't get why Johnny Depp agreed to be in these movies. I thought he was supposed to be some actor's actor who was not in the profession just to make a buck. Yeah, he got an Oscar nomination for the first one, but I doubt there will be any for the sequels. And I highly doubt he agreed to do the sequels just to hang around with Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom, as I think this video pretty well sums up what kind of company they are:

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