Wednesday, June 27, 2007

6/27/2007 - Drama Prairie Dog

Viral video is something that I try to avoid when considering whether or not I want to put a video in the My Favorites list on YouTube (and thus, on this blog). I mean viral videos like the Star Wars Kid or the Numa Numa guy are videos that most people have already seen or have probably even seen parodies of. They've already been promoted to death on other websites or even some TV shows, so they really don't need my endorsement.

This most recent viral video outbreak showing a surprised prairie dog, though, does deserve some mention. First, it's so short that it will spread even quicker than most viral videos that are minutes in length. Second, it's so darn weird... I mean, I know it was the cameraman that spooked the prairie dog, but why did it hold that position for so long? At first, I thought the eyes might have been digitally altered, but no... those weird eyes are there in the original video. Lastly, it does meet my stringent criteria of me having to like the video even after the third watching.

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