Thursday, May 24, 2007

5/24/2007 - What really happened after the Deathstar blew up

It really bugs me that Emperor Palpatine wasn't in Episode IV. We spent the entire first three episodes of Star Wars building him up to be the biggest bad guy in that galaxy far, far away, and he's nowhere to be seen after he's built the Empire. Don't get me wrong, it was a great story of how a measly senator from Naboo came to power simply by having some kind of Sith power to fool ALL the Jedis around him! Alright, that may seem a little far-fetched, but this is George Lucas' universe here where Jedis/Siths can make everything float except themselves (because that would mean flying Jedis, and we can't have that, can we?).

Anyway, back to Palpatine... if Lucas ever decided to digitally insert him into Episode IV like Jabba the Hut, this is how it should be done: the CTU ringtone!

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