Tuesday, May 29, 2007

5/29/2007 - Mega64: Paperboy

These Mega64 guys are nuts! They've taken the Tom Green/Jackass formula and applied it to video games. As we saw previously with the Mario: Game Over video, if you literally take the gameplay elements of a video game and applied it to the real world, it would look pretty ridiculous. Mega64 took this idea and ran with it, creating several hidden-camera ambush videos centered around specific games.

This one features Paperboy, a video game that originally appeared in the arcades as sort of a paperboy simulator where you would navigate the neighborhood streets delivering papers to subscribers and breaking the windows of those houses that don't. That later action alone would disqualify it as a serious simulator (I would hope), but the arcade game did simulate the experience with bicycle handlebar controls. If you would like to see the game in action, click HERE.

Of course it wouldn't be a fun video game if there weren't any obstacles for the paperboy. The game throws everything at you... from RC cars to mummies to breakdancers to Death itself (I think he's in the later stages)! This is all gold to the Mega64 crew as you can see them ambush a real "paperboy" as he makes his rounds:

I wonder if the "paperboy" got the joke...

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