Monday, May 7, 2007

5/7/2007 - Developers

My brain can't get around the fact that a man like Steve Ballmer is president of the most successful software company in the world, Microsoft. This guy reminds me of Dennis Kozlowski, the former CEO of Tyco and current felon serving time. They're both real-life Lex Luthors as far as I'm concerned: greedy bald guys with big egos.

Dennis Kozlowski

Steve Ballmer
Separated at birth?

Steve Ballmer, though, is a real piece of work. This is a guy who basically gained his fortune by hanging around with Bill Gates and drinking his Kool-Aid. What really gets my goat about Ballmer is how he constantly criticizes and derides Apple and yet the Vista operating system is a bad photocopy of Mac OS X. And don't get me started about the Zune!

You can always rely on Ballmer to make a donkey of himself, however. His keynote speeches are those of a raving lunatic. Some creative Joe remixed this video and this one to come up with the next great music video. It's quite catchy, actually...

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