Saturday, May 26, 2007

5/26/2007 - Are Your Base GENESIS original

Before there was Rockstar, EA, and Rare, most video games originated from the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan. The Japanese are such creative folk, giving us such popular fads as anime, Tamagotchi and Iron Chef. The dilemma to porting over dialogue-heavy games is the translation to English. One can't just use Google Translate and expect a good translation, especially when trying to make it comprehensible to a younger crowd. Yet, some games like the original Metal Gear manages to mangle the English so badly it's laughable. Remember "I feel asleep"? Or "The truck have started to move"?

As bad as Metal Gear was, it was God compared to Zero Wing. This, of course, gave us the "All your base are belong to us" craze a few years ago. The funny thing is, that was the just tip of the iceberg as to how bad the translation was. The only quote that makes any sense in the following video is "It's you!!" Didn't they have anybody proofreading this stuff before it went out? To quote the Angry Video Game Nerd, "WHAT WE'RE THEY THINKING?!"

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