Thursday, May 31, 2007

5/31/2007 - Crazy Asian Mother

This is one of the funniest videos I've ever seen, but for those who do not have the same background as I do, they might not get the joke. It is simply a dead-on portrayal of what it's like to be a first-generation Asian-American whose parents immigrated from China so that their progeny could "live the American dream". Oh, the horror of imperfection in your scholastic duties... a B-plus! That's the greatest fear of an Asian-American student.

Forget about any kind of a social life... you'll spend every waking moment studying, practicing, memorizing for those exams that you'll have nightmares about (it's been almost 10 years, and I still have those nightmares). Because if you don't get that A, you'll pretty much be disowned by your parents, or laughed at by your siblings or cousins who did get 4.3 GPA's. You have it drilled into your mind that you'd be the first to fail in the family if you don't get all A's!

Sorry about the rant... I just had flashbacks. The scenario in this video didn't actually occur to me since I didn't get a B until my Junior year in college, but trust me... it's not too far off from what really goes on behind the curtains of a real Asian-American household.

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